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I feel:

The current mood of finalboy at

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Hello there! Welcome!

...Welcome to my own little corner on the internet. It's still under reconstruction though... This will always be a WIP. Also, I like to make changes to this page every once in a while, so bear with me. I still need to put more stuff in here. Currently I'm just gonna put some links as bookmarks. This website will probably be broken. You've been warned.

This will not look great in mobile and I don't care. But I tried my best. But I don't really care. This website was made with a 1366 x 768 monitor and was previewed in Firefox.

Before you leave, sign my guestbook! (It's new. 123guestbook is dead.) Thank you for visiting. Stay queer.

Site log:

December 15, 2024

Yes, I've been gone for months. Yes, I changed the layout a bit. Enjoy.

March 1, 2024

New homepage style! ^___^

April 9, 2023

Minor changes + added webmaster page!

April 8, 2023

Finalboy is up and running! Only the front page, though. After a few months procrastinating, phew.

Please feed him. He's desperate. I wish he was a little rat.

Fanlistings! (There's only one for now :p)

Breaking Bad Fanlisting Button